The battlefield of the mind…When your day starts rough but turns around!

So anyone that’s known me personally for a while probably knows how much I can’t stand B.O. like it literally makes me sick to my stomach. Well this morning I walked out of the house not even in a rush, but forgot to apply deodorant before leaving. So of course upon discovering this I half freak out because I don’t have any deodorant in the rental car and I have to go into work at 9a. It was 7a when I realized this, knowing it took me an hour to get to Bloomington this morning to drop Mykle off because of the Icy Roads I knew running home for a stick was out of the question. Before Mykle got out of the car, I had her check our bank account I figured there was more than enough and there was but didn’t want to spend money she had planned for something else. So I go head towards Walmart after dropping her off. In my head I’m thinking “If I forgot to apply deodorant before work, what in the world does the day have in store for me?”. So I park and start heading for the door and noticed there is an elderly lady leaned up against the back end of her car, obviously unsteady on her feet in Icy conditions. I stopped to ask her if she needed a helping hand to get inside the store and offered her my arm. She obliged and I walk with her in, she begins to tell me that she fell already once this morning and was sore, but knew if she fell again she most likely wouldn’t be getting back up without having to go to a Nursing Home for Rehab. (Inside chuckle cause I work for Garden Villa and the specialize in this) so we walk slowly towards the door and she tells me she had just been sitting in her car praying and Asking God that he not let her fall again and that she was so thankful and blessed that I came along.

So I we get inside Walmart and she goes her way and I go mine. At this point the whole this day is going to be a rough one starts to dissipate and I began to think Wow, man I was in the right place at the right time for her. Then it dawned on me. I wasn’t just in the right place at the right time, God allowed me to be an answer to her prayer. I forgot to apply deodorant so that I would go out of my way to Walmart to purchase a stick, I would just so happen to arrive and walk in at the time she needed a steady arm to get her across the parking lot. Thank you lord for allowing me to be a vessel for you and for allowing to be the answer to someone else’s prayers. Allow me to continue to be used in the manner and to do it in a good attitude. Amen.