
Throughout our life we have forgiven others for their wrongdoings toward us. But have we really forgiven them from the heart? Everyone has been hurt at some point in their life. It could be someone that said something hurtful to you, rejected you or said a false report about you, and you become hurt.

In Mark 11:25-26 it read’s :And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any; that your father also which is in Heaven may forgive, neither will your father which is Heaven, forgive your tresspasses.”

So, are we really forgiving others, or are we being bound by unforgiveness? You can tell someone, “I forgive you”, but if it is not from your heart, then it is just words without meaning. If we want to walk that path with Christ, we must be like Christ. God did not look down on you and decide that he wouldn’t forgive you just because you hurt him deeply with your sins. God has compassion and he forgives you, no matter what you have done. So why can’t we truly forgive the person that has hurt us? You will feel a great difference in your life when you truly forgive. A clean heart is a pure heart.

Publishers note: The above written text is copied from a sermon written by Brian Adcock of Bedford, In.

Testimonial: Sometimes God opens the door to forgiveness years after the hurt has taken place. In a place you’d never expect to have to approach this person and make things right such as a small country diner in the middle of nowhere…One thing I can testify to is that if it’s God telling you to say something, it will burn inside you till you do it. And I’m glad that to this day I made peace with the person that tried to kill me. I feel better about myself and about my afterlife.